Spend a few days at the beginning of the school year to get to know your students. Download these Surveys, compile the information, and plan according to the st... Read More...
Just as in a traditional classroom, there are routines that the teacher sets up so students know what to do when they don't understand or need help. Building a ... Read More...
What makes learning memorable?
How many times as a teacher have you taught a class of students and you have felt disappointed because they just didn't seem t... Read More...
The Flipped Classroom
Download the Flipped Classroom presentation - PDF (no videos)
Flipped Classroom Ppt (with video links) below:
Flipped 01
As we move toward Personalized Learning in the Chinese classroom, our role as teachers need to change.
We move from:
Teachers plan topics or themes to t...
At the beginning of every school year, students choose a topic for Research and Independent Study. This work is ongoing and can last for 10 weeks, 6 months or f... Read More...
It is important as teachers to continually be reflecting on best practices and adapting our teaching style to the needs of our students.
Read the following s...