The Flipped Classroom Playlist: Level 4

The Flipped Classroom

Chinese Video PlayList

Level 1  |  Level 2  |  Level 3  |  Level 4  |  4th Grade  |  5th Grade  |  6th Grade  |  7th Grade  |  8th Grade

Level 4 Video Playlist

  1. More Counting
  2. Fruit
  3. Shopping
  4. Dining Out
  5. Sports I Like
  6. Where am I?
  7. What’s the Time?

1. More Counting

Learning Outcomes:

I can count 1-20.

I can use hundred and thousands when counting.

Vocabulary: 一百,一千,零,二十 to 九十九

Student Handouts:

Print the 1-100 handout. Play a Game with a partner to guess which number you point to.

Chinese Numbers 1-20

Learn to say 100, 1,000, and 10,000 in Chinese

2. Fruit

Learning Outcomes:

I can identify different fruits.

Vocabulary: 苹果,香蕉,例子,西瓜,柠檬,草莓,橘子,我喜欢,我不喜欢

Student Handouts

Download fruit images and paste them onto a paper plate. Tell your friends in Chinese what fruits you like.

Like and Dislike

Download the Placemat. Use the Placemat to introduce a table setting and names of fruit.

Download the Fruit PDF Flashcards (large)

Learn Fruits in Chinese

Yummy Fruit Song

3. Shopping

Learning Outcomes:

I can go shopping at a fruit stand.

I can ask how much something is.

I can express if something is too expensive or cheap.

I can use money to buy fruit.

Vocabulary:  多少钱?, 太贵,便宜,好,买,卖 .

Student Handouts:

Print Panda Money for shopping.

Download the Fruit PDF Flashcards (large)

Make a Money Wallet

Download Money to go shopping

How much does it cost? worksheet

多少钱 Writing Sheet

Let’s Go Shopping for Fruit

4. Dining Out

Learning Outcomes:

I can order food and drink at a restaurant.

I can use greetings at a restaurant – Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, Sorry, That’s ok.

Vocabulary: 你好,请进,你要喝什么? 你要吃什么?不要,要,谢谢, 菜单

Student Handouts

Create your own Menu

Download the Let’s go to the Restaurant Ppt

The Clumsy Waiter

Visiting a Restaurant Role-play

5. Sports I Like

Learning Outcomes:

I can identify sports in Chinese.

I can express my sports likes and dislikes.

Vocabulary: 足球,网球,篮球,乒乓球,游泳,板球,喜欢,不喜欢,打,提,

Student Handouts:

Download Sports Flashcards

Download the Vocabulary Mat for Sports

 6. Where am I?

Learning Outcomes:

I can identify countries.

I can describe my nationality.

I can ask someone what their nationality is.

Vocabulary: 人,中国,澳大利亚,日本,英国,美国,加拿大,台湾, 你是哪国人?

Student Handouts

Nationalities Ppt

Complete a Nationalities Survey


7. What’s the Time?

Learning Outcomes:

I can Ask what the time is.

I can say the time using o’clock, half past in Chinese.

Vocabulary: 几点钟?一点,半,十五刻,  分

Student Handouts:

What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? Game

Time and Days of the Week worksheet